
In the shadows, Gakii dwelled,
Her thoughts a storm, her heart repelled.
Negativity, her constant friend,
A darkness that seemed to never end.

She pondered why it felt so easy,
To see the world through eyes so dreary.
With each passing day, she found,
That negativity knew no bound.

But then one moment, clear as day,
She saw the truth in a different way.
Being pessimistic, she came to see,
Was effortless, like leaves falling free.

No need for effort, no need to try,
Negativity flowed, no reason why.
Like a river, it simply flowed,
Through every thought and word bestowed.

Yet in this realization, a spark ignited,
Gakii saw the darkness she had invited.
She vowed to break free from this chain,
To find the sunshine through the rain.

For she realized, in moments rare,
That positivity was always there.
It just required a shift in view,
To see the world in a brighter hue.

So Gakii embraced the challenge ahead,
To banish negativity, to instead
Embrace the light, and let it shine,
Knowing true happiness would be her sign.


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