
In a realm where echoes softly sing,
Mukwanjiru, with heart aflutter, took wing.
Through whispers of fate, a divine decree,
She unearthed the truth, a revelation, set free.

God's call echoed in the still of the night,
A sacred mission, bathed in celestial light.
Mukwanjiru, humble soul, eyes wide,
Embraced the purpose only she could confide.

In the tapestry of destiny, threads align,
Her journey unfurls, a narrative divine.
Through valleys of doubt and peaks of grace,
Mukwanjiru strides, finding her place.

Through trials and triumphs, she would trod,
A vessel chosen, marked by the hand of God.
In the symphony of purpose, a melody clear,
Mukwanjiru dances, shedding every fear.

For in the quietude of self-discovery,
She found the calling, her sacred reverie.
Only she, a singular note in God's grand score,
Mukwanjiru walks the path, forevermore.


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