Did You Play Kim Like You Play Him?

In shadows cast by whispered words,
Naikeve, a secret tale unheard.
Dorothy, the friend who dared to pry,
Asked, "Wechuli like Kim, oh, my?"

A dance of deceit in moonlit guise,
Naikeve's heart wears a web of lies.
Wechuli, unaware, in love's embrace,
While Kim's clandestine whispers trace.

Betrayal weaves its tangled thread,
As Naikeve treads where secrets tread.
Dorothy, a confidante in the dark,
Unveils the truth, a tempest's spark.

In the masquerade of love's charade,
Naikeve's secrets begin to fade.
The dance of shadows takes its toll,
A tale of passion, a story to console.


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